It's about that time where you end your week with that NEW NEW from Nashville rapper Jyou on his track Brokeboi, featuring K.O.N. This one is for the college students trying to make ends meet while working overtime for their future, who are well accustomed to late night snacks of Maruchan Ramen, Honey Buns, Hot Pockets and shxtty cafeteria cuisine (**Shout out to the cooks though, we appreciate your efforts regardless of our complaints). Brokeboi is that late night, windows down, cruising on the highway with 10 cents left in your checking account type of vibe, that echos mesmerising guitar chords along with an upbeat tempo, produced by the well known Nobody's Home. Hit the chorus and you've entered the anthem for college season where Jyou chants "Brokeboi, never been a dope boy, wanna save the money but it's hurtin' to the brokeboi". It's simplicity and catchiness is enjoyably chill. "I wanted to talk about something relatable, so we talked about money struggles. Being a college student and having to provide for yourself is tough, and I know many folks in similar situations" - Jyou. Jyou and K.O.N bring it all to the table with flow, tone, clarity and a story that anyone can identify with. Brokeboi is a moment, a reminder, a phase, a memory for some and for others a current reality. It's globally recognised, but short lived and once it is over, those moments of struggle sometimes wrap themselves into a gift of nostalgia which Jyou perfectly captures. With a mixtape on the way in late June, early July, listeners can expect much more from Jyou, but until then keep Brokeboi in your rotation and stay in the loop by following our IG. Comments are closed.